How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Life insurance is an essential type of investment you make for your family. Although everyone should consider purchasing life insurance, there is certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. At Goodman Insurance Inc., serving Shelton, CT, we want to help clients make the smartest insurance choices. Keep reading to learn more about how much life insurance you should purchase.

Lifestyle Considerations

One of the significant factors determining how much life insurance you should purchase will be the lifestyle and standard of living that you and your family enjoy. Life insurance aims to help ensure that your family will be able to maintain their standard of living and lifestyle even if you pass on and they no longer have your income coming in. You should plan to sit down with an insurance specialist to discuss your standard of living and goals for life insurance. They will be able to help you determine a good amount to purchase.

Life Insurance Goals

Some families have bigger goals than simply maintaining the current lifestyle. Many people hope a life insurance policy can also provide for their children’s college education, mortgage payments, or other financial ambitions. You will need to have some conversations with your partner and your family concerning what if any, other goals will be met with the insurance money. These details will significantly influence the amount of insurance you purchase. 

The Size of Your Budget

A life insurance purchase also needs to fit into your current budget. You will need to consider what you can afford as far as a monthly premium is concerned. 

If you would like to learn more about life insurance, please get in touch with us at Goodman Insurance Inc., serving Shelton, CT, and the surrounding areas. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

The experienced and knowledgeable home insurance agents at Goodman Insurance Inc. serving the Shelton, CT area know that your home is where your heart is, and you will do anything to protect it. The best way to protect the investment of time, money, and energy you have put into your home is to have adequate home insurance. This is important even if you no longer have a mortgage on your home and are required by a lender to have a home insurance policy.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Nearly all basic home insurance policies cover the structure of your house and its contents, including your clothing, furniture, appliances, personal belongings, electronics, and more. You can add to your policy to cover any outbuildings or other structures on your property, such as decks, garages, porches, sheds, and even privacy fences.

Home insurance policies are created to assist you in replacing or repairing your home if it becomes damaged by some horrible event. Those events usually covered include natural disasters, fires, burglaries, and acts of vandalism.

Home insurance will also come in handy if a guest to your home falls and injures themselves or is injured in some other way. Your home insurance policy will help cover their medical bills and possibly even their lost wages if they have to be off work for a certain period. Your home insurance policy can keep you from being sued since you can cover a person’s medical bills upfront.

It is good to keep in mind that most home insurance policies do not include flooding or earthquakes. You can add these policies to your central home insurance policies as addendums.

Contact Goodman Insurance Inc.

To create an excellent home insurance policy for your situation, contact the home insurance agents at Goodman Insurance Inc., serving the Shelton, CT, area today!

Commercial insurance most businesses can benefit from

Every business has its own set of risks. Not every company faces the same risks, but some are universal. At Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT, our team knows commercial insurance to ensure your business gets the coverage it needs and nothing more. 

Liability coverage

One of the most significant risks all businesses face, no matter their size, is being sued. It happens to about 30% of all businesses every year. If you don’t have liability insurance, a judgment against you and the legal fees that go with it could force your business to close. No company should knowingly take that risk. It would be best to have as much liability insurance as you can afford to carry and consider adding an umbrella to give you even more. 

Property coverage

Commercial property insurance is much more than just building coverage; it is also content coverage. If you rent the building, you still need it to pay for what you have in it. It covers tools or inventory, machinery, or office equipment. It can help you return to business quicker after being hit by a covered peril. 

Workers Compensation

In Connecticut, you must either have workers’ compensation insurance or self-insure. It is required if you have one or more employees, even part-time ones.   

Business interruption insurance

When your business is damaged or forced to close for another reason, you will not make any money. Your expenses, however, will not decrease. To pay your bills and rent etc., you need money. Business interruption insurance provides that income if it is a covered peril. 

Contact Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT on the phone, on our website, or visit our office when you are ready to discuss your commercial insurance needs. 

Three Reasons to Obtain Life Insurance in your Twenties

When you think of life insurance, you’re probably likely to view it as something you’ll buy when you get older or have children. However, you may think of it as something you don’t need when you’re only in your twenties. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. While it isn’t required by law in Connecticut, life insurance is still essential, even for young people. Our agents at Goodman Insurance Inc., serving Shelton, CT, could show you why you may need a plan.

Premiums are Inexpensive

Your life insurance monthly premiums are usually cheaper if you’re a young adult in good health. It could be a wise financial decision for a young adult to purchase one. Getting life insurance early could help you cover large debts such as student loans, even if you’re not planning on starting a family.

Cash Value can be Used.

When you purchase a whole life insurance policy, accumulating cash value can be used while you are alive. This compounds over time as dividends are created. You can also borrow against this money. It makes more sense to obtain whole life insurance than term life when doing this.

Easy Chance of Coverage Approval

Getting life insurance in your twenties allows you to get approved more easily than if you were older. You’ll unlikely have health problems or other contributing factors preventing you from getting approved. According to LIMRA, an insurance industry research center, the number of people under 25 who have purchased life insurance has increased significantly in 2020. No matter how young you are, having life insurance gives you peace of mind.

As you can see, having life insurance in your twenties allows you to pay less for monthly premiums, accumulate a cash value that can be used while you’re still alive, and have an easier chance of getting approved. Contact our Goodman Insurance Inc. agents today to find your plan options.

How To Make a Home Inventory for Homeowner’s Insurance

A home inventory is a big piece of protecting your investment and ensuring that your homeowner’s insurance covers everything. Goodman Insurance Inc., located in Shelton, CT, is eager to help you learn how to create a complete list of your possessions for your policy. By keeping a detailed inventory, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that we have what’s needed if you have to make a claim.

Getting Started

After looking around your place, creating a home inventory may seem like an overwhelming job. However, it can be done rather easily with little planning and organization. We recommend you follow these steps to streamline the process and make things as stress-free as possible:

  • Choose a method: First, decide whether you prefer to create a physical list, use a digital spreadsheet, or take advantage of one of the many home inventory apps. 
  • Start with high-value items: Begin by documenting your most valuable possessions. Things like jewelry, electronics, and artwork should be at the top. Ensure you include a description, the make and model, serial number, purchase date, and an estimated value.
  • Move room by room: Go through each room, listing every item and its details. Don’t forget to include items in closets, attics, basements, and garages.
  • Please take photos or videos: Take pictures or video footage to provide visual proof of their condition and the fact that you have them. This can be particularly helpful for items that are difficult to describe or have unique features.
  • Keep receipts and appraisals: Store any related documents, like receipts or appraisals, with your list. The information helps validate claims and speeds up the process.
  • Update regularly: Make sure to update your home inventory whenever you get new items or dispose of old ones. It is also a good idea to review your list at least once a year,

Safeguard Your Inventory

Once your home inventory is complete, store it securely, such as a fireproof safe or a digital cloud storage service. Share a copy with our insurance agent at Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT. We will review it and ensure you have enough coverage for everything on your list.

Make an Appointment Today

Take the first step toward protecting your most prized possessions and all of your belongings by creating a detailed home inventory list. Contact Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT, today to discuss your homeowner’s insurance protection needs. Let our experienced team guide you through the sometimes challenging process. We’re happy to help!

Do You Need Commercial Insurance for Your Connecticut Business?

If you own a business in Connecticut, there are specific requirements you must follow when it comes to commercial insurance. The agents at Goodman Insurance Inc., serving the Shelton, CT area, are here to assist you with your commercial insurance needs. They want you to know and understand the different coverage options and requirements that you need to know about when it comes to commercial insurance for your business.

Commercial Auto Liability

Under the state laws of Connecticut, all drivers must have at least auto liability insurance in place. If you own or rent vehicles for your business or use personal vehicles for business purposes, you must ensure that you have auto liability insurance for each car.

Commercial Liability Insurance Coverage

Commercial liability insurance coverage is critical since it covers many things. For example, if a customer or other visitor to your business slips and falls, their medical bills will be paid under this type of coverage. This coverage can also assist you if you have a breach in security online with your customers’ information or are sued for slander, copyright infringement, or libel.

Commercial Property Insurance

It is vital that you have commercial property insurance to cover the inventory that you have for your business in case there is a fire, a natural disaster, or an act of vandalism. Commercial property insurance will assist you in recovering any losses that you suffer if your business is also robbed.

Contact Goodman Insurance Inc.

The agents at Goodman Insurance Inc., serving the Shelton, CT area, are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs, including commercial insurance. Call today for an appointment to get your policy started.

Can I Donate My Life Insurance Benefits to Charity?

At Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT, we’ve seen how personal and challenging it can be to choose the proper beneficiary for your life insurance policy. For many folks, this can be one of the most challenging choices to make surrounding their legacy planning, finances, and passing.

Suppose you have a cause that you believe in deeply or want to support. In that case, you might wonder if donating your life insurance benefits to your favorite charity, non-profit organization, or foundation is possible. When you want to make a difference in the world with your life insurance benefits, the first step is figuring out if it is legal and, if so, if it is a possibility for some policies.

What is a life insurance policy?

A life insurance policy is essentially a contract between you as a policyholder and your insurance provider that indicates that they will pay out a death benefit in the form of a lump sum to whomever you list as your beneficiary when you pass in exchange for the premiums you pay.

While coverage, specifics of policies, and eligibility to file a claim vary, most life insurance policies function similarly in this way.

Can I list a charity or other organization as my beneficiary on a life insurance policy?

Yes, you can list a charity or other organization as the beneficiary for your policy if you list their name and contact information. You can also list a charity to receive a percentage of your death benefit and other beneficiaries to receive the remaining portion.

If you want to see how we could help you continue doing good after your death through your life insurance policy, call our office at Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT today!

Home Insurance: What It Does and Does Not Cover

If you own a house, you probably understand that protecting it is crucial. One of the best ways to do it is to purchase home insurance. Its purpose is to protect you and your home from the unexpected. However, before buying any home insurance policy, you should know what home insurance covers and does not cover. 

What Is Covered By Home Insurance?

It is essential to know that home insurance is divided into two parts – property coverage and liability protection. 

Property protection covers the following:

  • Dwelling
  • Personal property 
  • Loss of use or additional living expenses
  • Other structures
  • Additional coverages

Here is what liability protection covers:

  • Personal liability 
  • Liability 
  • Medical bills

What is NOT Covered By Home Insurance?

Unfortunately, home insurance has certain limitations and does not cover everything. Here is what is usually not covered by standard home insurance:

  • Flood damage
  • Earthquake damage
  • Home insurance and mold
  • Volcano coverage
  • Landslides

If you think you may face these risks or you live in an area prone to the risks listed above, you should consider buying additional special coverage. 

Goodman Insurance Inc. in Shelton, CT – The Insurance Company That You Can Trust

If you are lucky and you have a property in Shelton, CT, or any other nearby area, it is important to have proper and sufficient home insurance to protect your home. If you are searching for an insurance agency to purchase a home insurance plan addressing your needs, do not look any further – Goodman Insurance Inc. will gladly assist you. Our experienced insurance specialists will answer all your questions and provide detailed information about the insurance types we sell. 

What types of commercial insurance coverage are there?

There are many different things that businesses have to do to keep their businesses running. One of these things that a business owner should do is have insurance to protect their finances, property, employees, and the public in case stuff happens. This is where commercial insurance comes in. There are several different types of commercial insurance coverage to choose from for your business insurance needs.

General liability

General liability covers if something happens to a customer or employee. It helps cover the costs if someone is injured or their belongings are damaged due to the company’s fault. It also helps protect you financially if you end up with a lawsuit against your business.

Property insurance

Property insurance protects against property damage.

Business interruption insurance

This covers your potential financial loss if something interrupts your business and potential income.

Worker’s compensation

Worker’s compensation protects workers if they get injured on the job.

Commercial auto insurance

Commercial auto insurance covers vehicles that are company owned or used for the work of the business.

Employment practices liability insurance

This covers the business if an employee does something that reflects poorly on the company and affects customers.

Cyber insurance

This helps cover losses from cyber crimes. There are limits to cyber insurance coverage and strict guidelines that you need to follow, such as having high cyber security measures in place.

Crime insurance

If a crime occurs, commercial insurance can help cover the losses and damages that happen to the business.

Contact Goodman Insurance Inc.

If you have a business in Shelton, CT, and are looking for commercial insurance coverage, look no further than Goodman Insurance Inc.

What is Permanent Life Insurance?

Life insurance is not a requirement by law for Shelton, CT residents, though many choose to invest in this protection for their family’s financial well-being. Permanent life insurance is an option often selected for its reliability. 

This type of coverage lasts the duration of the person’s life from the point at which they purchase the policy until they pass on. This is in contrast to term insurance, where there is a set period for which the insurance is in effect.

You must be in good standing with your insurance policy at the time of your death, which means your premiums must be current and paid. Your beneficiaries are entitled to a death benefit under this arrangement. 

Additionally, there is a component of permanent life known as cash value. Over time, your policy accumulates savings when you make your payments consistently year after year, and these can be borrowed against.

The outstanding loan amount will be deducted from your death benefit if unpaid and you pass away. A Goodman Insurance Inc. specialist can help give you additional information about your particular situation. 

Unlike the cash value, the death benefit is a predesignated amount determined when you purchase your indemnification. Premiums are typically more expensive than term life because the likelihood of a payout is more certain. 

You can choose whole life, a type of permanent life insurance whose terms on death benefits and premiums stay fixed, or universal, which allows you to adjust these features. Variable universal life insurance has an investment component to maximize savings. 

Goodman Insurance Inc. Can Help

Serving the residents of the Shelton, CT area, we provide quality insurance products for our customers. Contact us by calling, stopping by the office, or visiting us online. We look forward to working with you.